The Healing Path by Dan B. Allender – read online

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    Alyssa Hulsey

    The Healing Path
    How the Hurts in Your Past Can Lead You to a More Abundant Life

    by Dan B. Allender

    📕 The Healing Path · READ MORE 📕

    • Author: Dan B. Allender
    • ISBN: 9781578563913 (1578563917)
    • Format: paperback, 272 pages
    • Release date: September 26, 2000
    • Language: english
    • Publisher: WaterBrook
    • Genres: counselling, psychology, christian, faith, spirituality, theology, religion

    About The Book

    Don’t Waste Your Pain

    None of us escapes the heartache and disappointments of life. To live is to hurt, and we all have the wounds to prove it. Regardless of how we’ve been hurt, we all face a common question: What should we do with our pain? Should we stoically ignore it? Should we just «get over it»? Should we optimistically hope that everything will work out in the end?

    If we fail to respond appropriately to the wounds that life and relationships inflict, our pain will be wasted; it will numb us or destroy us. But suffering doesn’t have to mangle our hearts and rob us of joy. It can, instead, lead us to life — if we know the path to healing.

    Healing is not the resolution of our past; it is the use of our past to draw us into deeper relationship with God and his purposes for our lives. If you’re ready to shape a future characterized by love, service, and joy, now is the time to step out onto The Healing Path.

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