(Audiobook) Visiting Life by Bridget Kinsella

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    Gloria Frerichs

    Visiting Life
    Women Doing Time on the Outside

    by Bridget Kinsella

    📕 Visiting Life — Read More 📕

    • Publisher: Harmony
    • Language: english
    • Format: hardcover, 272 pages
    • Genres: biography, memoir
    • Release date: January 21, 2009
    • ISBN: 9780307338365 (0307338363)
    • Author: Bridget Kinsella

    About The Book

    When a friend who taught creative writing at a maximum-security prison asked Bridget Kinsella to read the work of one of his best students, she readily agreed. As a publishing professional, Kinsella was used to getting manuscripts from all sorts of sources. Who knows? she told herself. Maybe I can help this talented inmate get his work published. She had no idea that her correspondence with a convicted murderer serving life without parole would lead to a relationship that would change her life forever. Why in the world would anyone get involved with a prison inmate?

    In this beautifully written, brutally honest memoir, Kinsella shares how she stumbled into a relationship with a lifer and became part of a sorority she never thought she’d join. Over the course of three years, she spends time with and ultimately befriends the wives, girlfriends, and mothers of some inmates at Pelican Bay. On this unexpected journey, she learns of the hurdles, heartbreaks, and hopes they have for their relationships as she experiences a connection with someone who helps heal her own wounds.

    As the United States continues to incarcerate convicted criminals for increasingly long periods of time, our prison rolls swell to unprecedented levels — more than two million today — as does the number of women and children whose lives are thrown into limbo and who live for their next “visiting time.” Through the lens of her own unlikely experience, Kinsella examines those impacted by crime and punishment with keen observation, candor, and compassion.

    From the Hardcover edition.

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